Offering a full range of services for the entire construction industry.


The Group’s Education arm, Exner Education, is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with the ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) in the Vocational Education sector (Registration number 22450). It has a team of professionals from a wide range of rail, engineering, management and finance and safety backgrounds to offer highly skilled training to rail construction and rail operators.

  • Designing Training and Development Strategies and Curriculum Plans
  • Design and Delivery of Education Programs and Issue of Australian Qualifications to Diploma Level
  • Project Management Training
  • Microsoft Project Training
  • Project Management and Business Systems Services
  • Immersive VR training
  • Immersive Project Visualisation


Exner consulting provides an extensive range of professional management services to the building and construction industry. Our consultants come from a variety of professional backgrounds, including: project management, engineering, law, contract administration and risk assessment

  • Construction Contract Review & Administration
  • Construction Variations and Claims
  • Project Delivery Assistance
  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation
  • Claims Quantification and Management
  • Managing Civil Works
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Rail Industry Expertis
  • Real Time Dash Board Reporting

Built on Experience

We approach projects with a focus on strengthening relationships, fostering co-operation between parties and achieving strong commercial outcomes.

How we add value to our clients

Effective and efficient interaction with Our Customers: The Exner Group is flexible and able to meet the flexible and often unique work requirements of our clients. We take an expert problem solving approach

Significant senior resources: Our team has people who have been or are currently involved in major project and operations roles in current operating engineering and construction business or construction projects within Australia. Our team’s knowledge and experience is extensive and the roles are senior.

Savings for the project: The Group can ensure that savings are made in your business operations through more effective / compressed development program, including use of online training.

Expert network: The Group is able to bring diverse expertise by utilising its existing extensive expert network.

State-of-the-art technology: The Group is able to advice on the latest technology in learning and development, including online training, immersive technology, 4D visualisation and simulation and Virtual Reality (VR).

Higher level of training engagement and knowledge retention: The Group can collaborate with a neuroscience expert which will greatly enhance the training engagement levels and knowledge retention in comparison with traditional training development.